DDIC - Maine


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Enacted Laws

LD 1021 - Adds unmanned aerial vehicles to the laws governing stalking in the Maine Criminal Code. View the Bill

LD 25 - An Act To Protect The Privacy Of Citizens From Domestic Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Uses. Enacted as Public Law, Chapter 307. View the Act

Active Legislation

NACDL has not identified any active legislation for this state.

Previously Introduced Legislation (2020)

LD 2144 - This bill would add the use of drones to the laws governing stalking in the Maine Criminal Code, prohibiting the intentional use of a drone outside a private place at an altitude of less than 400 feat without the written permission of the resident of the private place. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2019)

LD 306 - Requires the Department of Public Safety to study and determine what constitutes a violation of air space by a drone. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2017)

LD 535 - An Act to protect Maine Citizens from Aerial Trespass. View the Bill

LD 823 - This bill requires a state entity to hold a public hearing and obtain legislative approval prior to engaging in certain activities relating to the acquisition and use of surveillance technology. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2015)

LD 482 - An Act To Prohibit Flying Over Land With Drones Without Written Permission From The Landowner. View the Bill

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